Mint an Axo


Key Mint Details

Supply: 5000

Price: 0.005

Public Mint: October 26th, 9 PM EST

Why Axo?

Help Save the Axo

25% of our net proceeds from secondary royalties will be donated to our partner, the Laboratorio de Restauracion Ecologica (LRE). With these funds, they will be able to help conserve and restore the Axolotl's native habitat!

Axo Fight Club community Axolotl love
Gif of ESCAPE gameplay

In-Game Skins

The ESCAPE NFT collection will provide holders with key utility in our ESCAPE game. NFT owners will be able to play as their NFT skin, retaining all their NFT's traits!

Rewards Boost

By playing ESCAPE you will be able to earn sweepstakes tickets, used to claim prizes. ESCAPE NFT owners will receive a multiplier on tickets earned, for every NFT owned, and other key rewards!



The treasury has been allocated 5% (250 NFTs) of the total mint. Of this, half (2.5%, 125 NFTs) will be used as in-game rewards and community incentives. The other half will be distributed on an ongoing basis to staff members.


42% (2118 NFTs) has been allocated to the Public mint. This will begin at 9 PM EST on October 26th, and will be capped at 18 mints per wallet.


52% (2,632 NFTs) has been allocated to AllowList. AllowList is broken down into 3 levels: OG+, OG, and AllowList.

OG+ will be able to mint 6 NFTs, and is capped at 17 spots (7%, 342 NFTs).

OG will be able to mint 3 NFTs, and is capped at 28 spots (14%, 690 NFTs).

AllowList will be able to mint 2 NFTs, and the remaining AllowList supply is allocated here.